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The Week Ahead - Week of September 23, 2024

Good Afternoon King Families,

Today marks the official start of Fall! We are only a few weeks out from the end of Quarter 1 (October 11), and here’s what you can expect this week:

  • Spring Week Information Meetings are happening at the Auditorium for 8th grade families. The first meeting is this Tuesday, September 24 at 7:00 PM and the second one on Saturday, September 28 at 10:00 AM. 8th Grade families are asked to attend one of these meetings as the first step to reviewing key information regarding the 8th grade end-of-year trips. For more information, please reach out to your student’s Humanities teacher.

  • On Tuesday Evening, there will also be the first PTA Parent Education workshop of the year. Please come out and learn more about Parenting Middle Schoolers in the Digital Era: Supporting Dialogue and Strategies for Building Healthy Tech Habits, a workshop presented by Reichi Lee, who has two students at King and is the Director of Curriculum and Programs at My Digital TAT2. Registration can happen here.

  • 6th Grade Welcome Dinners continue this week with a dinner on Thursday, September 26 at 6:00 PM in the Dining Commons. This event will be for students and families who have Ms. Alessi, Ms. Freschl, Ms. Schmidt, Ms. Kelley, or Mr. Jacobs.

  • School Site Council (SSC) Ballot Results. Thanks to everyone who voted for our parent and guardian SSC candidates! We would like to congratulate the following family members who were elected as either members or alternates: Peter Ross (member), Heather Gilbert (member), Megan McQuaid (member), Hollis Williams (member), Megan Werner (member), Rebecca Leshowitz (alternate member), Arabelle Malinis (alternate member).

Thanks and have a great week ahead!

With love,

Michael Tison Yee


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