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Give to King

Donate to Friends of King Now

Make a donation through PayPal. 

Suggested donation ideas: $60/month or two students, $30/month for one student. Feel free to choose your own amount.

There is so much we can accomplish with your help. 

If you’re able, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution in this amount; however, any amount that is significant to you will help us reach our goal.


Your gift will help support:
  • Capital Improvements ($45,000) - We are planning upgrades for the King library, restoration of our beautiful murals, and more activities for the playground.

  • Edible School Yard ($35,000) - These funds support our beloved cooking and gardening program with a specific earmark to fund the Family Nights Out coordinator who helps bring students and families together to prepare and share a meal.

  • Classroom Supplies and Student Planners ($17,600) - Teachers updating their physical spaces with both conventional supplies and new technologies to enhance the classroom environment. This funding also provides the Cobra Calendar planner to assist students with managing their time and work as they integrate back to regular school schedules.

  • Caregiver Support and Education ($10,000) - As caregivers, we are wearing even more hats than usual and the PTA is dedicated to supporting you throughout the year. Our virtual Parent Education Workshops offer informative and helpful content  – like dealing with anxiety, supporting study skills, and meeting with other parents to navigate the constantly changing parenting landscape.

  • Tech Subscriptions for Teachers & Students ($10,000) - BUSD was not able to fund these valuable software subscriptions for our students to use in the classroom, so the PTA has stepped in and committed to funding those the teachers use frequently.

  • Assemblies ($10,000) - We are planning some educational and culturally enriching assemblies for the kids this year.  After nearly three years without such programming, our kids really need this kind of engaging content!


Donate Today!

Donations can be made online on a one-time or recurring basis or checks can be made out to “King PTA” and dropped off in the school office or mailed to Friends of King, MLK Middle School, 1781 Rose Street, Berkeley, CA  94703.  All donations to King PTA are tax deductible under the tax ID #94-6183862.


Employer Matching Grants

Many employers will match your donations. Why not double your gift to King? Simply ask your Human Resources Department if they offer matching donations. Below is proof of our nonprofit status and other helpful details your employer may require.


Name of nonprofit entity

Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School PTA


Proof of nonprofit status

Charitable Trust Number and Confirmation Letter (PDF)


501(c)3 determination letter 

501(c)3 determination letter (PDF)


Contact information 

PTA Treasurer

1781 Rose Street, Berkeley, CA 94703-1048

(510) 644-4544






Please contact your Friends of King team at:

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