The 7th grade year is a bit different for students as they become ready for more responsibility and focus. Some of the changes and highlights include:
In 7th grade the classes are organized in a modified block schedule. Students have all classes on Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On Thursdays students attend their 1st, 3rd, and 5th period classes. On Fridays students attend their 2nd, 4th and 6th period classes.
A separate science class is added for 7th graders. Seventh grade families also select an elective class, although students who need more academic support may be assigned to their “elective” class. Each 7th grader participates in the “Be A Scientist” program where students design and carry out their own experiment under the guidance of UC Berkeley science professors and graduate students.
The 7th and 8th graders eat lunch together every day.
Seventh grade students are required to “dress” for P.E. Students must wear a navy blue t-shirt and either navy blue shorts or navy blue sweat pants. King PTA sells all these, with the King logo.
See the 7th grade Bell Schedule for details
For the list of 7th grade teachers please see the Full Staff Directory
7th Grade
Overview | Advisory | Humanities | Math | Science | Physical Education | Electives | Edible Schoolyard
During Advisory period, students either read independently from a book of their choice or receive extra help in math. This is also when students take Accelerated Reader tests to chart their independent reading.
Students who are interested in extra help with reading may be paired during this time with a volunteer from the King Readers Program for individual reading support.
School assemblies are usually scheduled during this period.
The focus of 7th grade English is on academic writing. Students will write formally and informally about both literature and history. Grammar instruction will be integrated into the work with the textbook.
World History
Students study the social, cultural, and technological changes that occurred throughout the world from 500–1700 A.D. Students how mastery of a given unit through tests, accurate notes, projects, and homework.
Common Core Curriculum
New academic standards were adopted at King beginning school year 2013–14. King, along with all schools throughout California, has adopted new teaching and learning standards called “Common Core Curriculum.” Learn more at these links:
The Council of the Great City Schools has posted these and other resources to help communicate the CCSS to parents on their Common Core Works website, http://www.commoncoreworks.org/.
Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Mathematics Standards
English: http://www.cgcs.org/Page/366
In 7th grade, science students focus on the life sciences. In addition to classroom studies, students learn life sciences in the Edible Schoolyard garden and develop their scientific method research skill through the ongoing study of the scientific method.
Science students also utilize the core science text to improve their skills in understanding nonfiction text. Multimedia is also an essential part of the 7th grade life sciences program, as teachers utilize video and computer-based learning to enhance student understanding.
Physical Education
Seventh grade students have P.E. four times a week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and on either Thursday or Friday according to their bell schedule.
Seventh grade students are required to “dress” for P.E. Students must wear a navy blue t-shirt and either navy blue shorts or navy blue sweat pants. King PTA sells all these, with the King logo.
Uniforms may be purchased at the Welcome Fair or from the P.E. Uniform page before the Welcome Fair and then picked up at the Fair. Uniforms purchased may be exchanged for size at the Welcome Fair. Ordering and paying online will help you avoid long lines at the Welcome Fair.
After school begins, uniforms may be purchased from P.E. teachers or coaches.
Seventh and eighth grade students choose one elective to take during the school day. Please note that some electives are for a semester only; others require a commitment of the full academic year. Spanish, drama, art and STEM/computers are always offered. Other electives are added some years.
Returning students receive an electives enrollment packet in the spring of 6th or 7th grade. They select from the electives offered, indicating first, second, and third choices. They will see their elective listed in the course schedule they receive at the Welcome Fair before school starts.
New students will receive their electives enrollment packet when they register for school. They should complete the front page and return it at that time.
Questions about the elective program should be directed to the student’s grade-level vice principal.
Full Year Courses
Full year courses are designed to give students an in-depth experience in one area as opposed to a sampling in semester courses.
Beginning Spanish
If students want a middle school language experience they must start Spanish as a 7th grader. Over the course of the two years, students become proficient in all four strands of the language; speaking, understanding, reading and writing. Successfully completing two years of middle school Spanish will allow you to start Berkeley High at Level 2. Note: *7th grade Spanish is not appropriate for native speakers or those who participated in an immersion program. Students with prior language experience can test into higher level Spanish classes at the high school at the end of 8th grade.
The AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program helps to sharpen student skills to become competitive for four-year colleges. AVID students explore college and career options, develop higher level questioning skills through collaborative tutorials, practice organization strategies, and learn note-taking skills. AVID classes attend field trips that highlight college opportunities and have a variety of guest speakers.
S.T.E.M: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math through projects and lots of hands-on activities! In this class you might learn more about design thinking, take apart an appliance, play with robots, or create an interactive circuit out of copper tape and found items. This class is for anyone who likes to tinker and explore!
Students will explore many aspects of drama: how to adapt stories for the stage; how to write and stage your own plays/ stories/ scenes/ monologues, and other possibilities. “Risk and Respect” is a class motto that promotes an environment in which all students feel comfortable taking risks and support others as we explore the magical world of theatre.
Academic Support Classes
Math Support 7 and Reading Support 7
These classes are designed for students who need extra support but are close to grade level in math or reading. The classes are structured to accelerate learning to help students achieve at grade level. There is an option to switch out of the class and into another available elective if goals are met.
Semester Courses
Semester courses are designed to give students a diversity of experiences. Semester classes are paired and you must take both courses in the pair.
Computers (1 semester) and Art (1 semester)
Computers: Explore computer science through programming, design, creating interactive projects, games, and more! In this class you might learn more about the design process, create a web based game using javascript or build a game out of a circuit that you learn how to program on code.org!
Art: In art class we will be learning by MAKING. We will explore a variety of media and techniques, including drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, and sculpting with clay, cardboard, found objects and paper mache. Many of our projects will be inspired by the work of artists from various cultures, traditions and time periods.
Film Studies (1 semester) and Art (1 semester)
Film Studies: This elective is about learning the art and craft of video storytelling. Work on every aspect of video production, from script writing, on-screen acting, camera and sound work, directing to editing a final product.
Art: In art class we will be learning by MAKING. We will explore a variety of media and techniques, including drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, and sculpting with clay, cardboard, found objects and paper mache. Many of our projects will be inspired by the work of artists from various cultures, traditions and time periods.
Edible Schoolyard
Seventh grade students work in the garden with their science and humanities classes several times throughout the year. Seventh grade students also prepare food in the kitchen with their humanities classes several times throughout the year.