School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC), is a state mandated committee that is headed by the principal, is made up of parents, teachers, and staff who meet monthly during the school year to focus on school climate, student achievement, and the school’s budget to evaluate the best plan of action to keep our school moving upward toward its goals. The SSC helps determine funding priorities, develop a budget, and update the school’s site plan to support teachers, students, and families. In the Berkeley Unified School District, each school has a School Site Council which combines the responsibilities of the state-mandated School Site Councils (such as writing the School Plan and allocating certain state funds directed to schools) as well as the duties of looking at all school spending including BSEP Site Funds, a portion of special local funds that go directly to school sites.
Alternates are encouraged to attend SSC meetings to participate in the discussions. If a voting member is absent, an alternate votes. All parents are also encouraged to attend SSC meetings. The school needs the collective wisdom of all voices at SSC!
Relevant Documents
California Department of Education School Site Councils Handbook