October 15, 2021
King Families,
Next week is a full week of classes. Please help us with your student's learning by supporting our 30 Book Reading Challenge. Every student should read at least 30 books this year in a variety of genres. Help your student try new types of books---non-fiction, realistic fiction, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, biographies, etc.
Our make up picture day is Nov 1st. Your student should have received their first photo back. If they want to do a retake you can follow the steps on the information sheet that will be coming home next week.
Thursday we will have an earthquake drill as part of the CA Great Shakeout Day. Students will duck, cover and hold until dismissed to the yard with their classes. Our staff will go into their full disaster preparedness routine with staff assigned to search and rescue, first aid, student release, and student supervision. Please be sure you have updated your emergency contact information in Infinite Campus. In the event of an emergency we can only release students to someone listed as an emergency contact.
Please remember there are minimum days (12:20 release) on October 26, 27, and 28. There is no school on October 29. Student may dress up for Halloween on Oct. 28.
Have a great weekend! Janet