King Families, The first quarter progress reports will be mailed home next week. You can also view them in Infinite Campus if you have set up your portal (or through your student's log in). If you don't know how to set up your portal, please email portalhelp@berkeley.net. This first progress report is Habits of Work (HOW) grades only so parents can see how students are settling in to the year---focus, work completion, cooperation, organization, etc. Monday is Vision Screening for all 8th graders and any student with an IEP. If your student is supposed to wear glasses, please be sure they bring them on Monday and Friday (and every other day!).
We have our first big community event coming up next weekend. The Fall Festival is just under one week away. This free event for the King community will be held next Saturday Oct 1 from 1-4pm. Enjoy a bbq lunch, DJ, climbing wall, games, arts and crafts and more. Free fun for the whole family.
In preparation for the event, the Edible Schoolyard would love donations of apples for their cider press activity. Bring apples to the Edible Schoolyard Kitchen just inside the Grant Street gates next week between 8:30am and 4:30pm.
The Festival still needs volunteers, especially for the nail art and face painting tables. No artistic experience necessary. The face painting station has stencils to use, and the nail art is DIY. Follow the links on the King webpage to sign up or click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084fafa828a0fe3-2022
Another way to jump into the community and get to know other parents is to stop by the Friday morning coffee. Every Friday morning at drop-off at the Science Gate (corner of Edith St. and Rose St.) B.Y.O.M(ug) encouraged
Have a great week! Janet Levenson