King Families, We have had a great two weeks and the students are doing a wonderful job of getting to class on time and persevering with their work. Thank you for all of your support. In particular, we are thrilled to have so many families supporting us on having cell phones turned off and put away all day.
Next week is Back to School Night on Thursday night. Your student will be bringing home a flyer with information about their class schedule. It is also attached to this email. The PTA sells pizza and salad that evening with a suggested donation of $5/per person. If you are able to help that evening, please email our PTA presidents, Alexandra and Liz, at kingpta@berkeley.net. And while we are talking about volunteer opportunities we still need someone to host tours for incoming families; we need a financial secretary and an auditor; and someone to handle hospitality which mostly means arranging for the taco truck to come for teacher appreciation lunches. Again, please email kingpta@berkeley.net if you can help.
I am also seeking candidates to serve on our School Site Committee. We meet about 5 times throughout the year on Monday evenings to review school data and approve the budget. If you are interested, please nominate yourself on this form: https://forms.gle/GJxnBh7zfrPC1E8a7
I hope to see everyone at Back to School Night. It is a time to hear about the goals and expectations for your student's learning this year. This is an evening intended for parents only. We understand if you have no other childcare option but then keep your student with you for the evening. Thanks. Back to school program 2022-23.doc.pdf
Janet Levenson, Principal
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