Mark Your Calendar for the King Welcome Fair
Friday, August 13th
The King Welcome Fair is Friday, August 13th and we can’t wait to see you all in person. In the coming weeks you will receive important details about the event. Please save the date, and read on for information on volunteer opportunities and how to order PE Uniforms.
Adult and Student Volunteers Needed
We need lots of support from the King community to make the Welcome Fair a success. Please take a look at the Sign Up Genius and pick a job that works for you. There are opportunities for adults to help set up, clean up, staff tables, and more. Plus, we need 7th and 8th graders to give tours to new students. Please sign up today!
If you are interested in joining the Welcome Fair team, please contact Maya ( or Keri (
Order PE Uniforms For Your 7th or 8th Grader by July 23 for pick up at the Welcome Fair
7th and 8th grade King students are required to “dress” for PE (6th graders are not).
The PE department accepts 90% navy blue crew neck t-shirts, 90% navy blue athletic shorts (with at least a 5 inch inseam) or 90% navy blue sweat pants as “dressed”. For your convenience, the PTA sells PE uniforms (blue sport clothing emblazoned with the King Cobra logo).
If you’d like to purchase a PE uniform for your student please do so at our online store no later than Friday, July 23 for pick up at the Welcome Fair. No uniforms will be sold at the Welcome Fair, only pickups of orders made before July 23, 2021. Thank you!
Questions? Contact Anna Fogelman, King PE Uniform coordinator.
We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!