August 30, 2021
Greeting King Family:
We have made it through week 2. Hopefully all families and students had a successful second week of school. As we move into this week we have a few announcements that we would like to share with all families.
Enrichment Classes
All classes will start the week after Labor Day. I am pushing the start date for classes to start to go along with sports. Also with the new on site testing it is most important that we make sure we are keeping our students safe. I am in need of a new class selection form all students who are interested in taking classes in the LEARNS program. Please resubmit your class selection to me. The due date will be September 1, 2021. I will have all student LEARNS schedules Friday, September 3, 2021 for pick up, so you can see the classes your students got into.
We received our guidelines for middle school sports on Friday and although they are yet to be finalized, we do know we will be able to start our Fall Sports after Labor Day. An adjusted schedule for tryouts and practice days/times will be sent out in the coming days. We will hold our LEARNS Athletics Parent Meeting virtually Friday, September 3,2021(Zoom link info below). In the meantime, please review the list of confirmed requirements to make sure your child has them completed and turned into the LEARNS Afterschool Office (B1).
LEARNS Medical Forms (3)
LEARNS Registration (for sports without a tryout)
Mask required both indoors/outdoors at all times
COVID-19 Testing for Student Athletes - BUSD Middle School athletes are asked to participate in BUSD’s weekly surveillance testing program.
We will cover all details, guidelines, and protocols at the parent meeting on Friday. Please bear with us, as we are adjusting schedules as quickly as possible.
This week the staff at LEARNS will continue to have outdoor activities. We will also open the library for students to get work done or just have a quite place to be. We will continue to meet students outside at the amphitheater.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me (lashondaroquemore@berkeley.net) or are Athletic Director Fred Sims: fredsims@berkeley.net
Fall Sports Parent Meeting will be held Friday, September 3 at 5:30 via zoom. Please check your email for the zoom link or If you need to request the zoom link or have any questions please email Fred Sims at fredsims@berkeley.net