November 5, 2021 *revised & updated Sunday, November 7*
Our King Athletic Program is run through our LEARNS Afterschool Program. All athletes MUST be registered with the LEARNS Afterschool Program once you have made the final roster. Those sports with "No Tryout" require students to already be registered with LEARNS prior to their first day of practice. Registration
LEARNS Registration Please follow the instructions below to register.
Register for LEARNS and pay $15 reg. fee (see instructions below)
Complete medical forms
Please click here to register. There is a small glitch going on on the web portal right now. To register around the glitch please :
CLICK AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS on the LEFT side and just scroll down past all of the classes to find your home school's LEARNS program for your students' rising grade for this coming year. Reference the instructions on the home page for help!) - MAKE SURE YOU CHECKOUT AND GET A CONFIRMATION EMAIL! (you will be prompted to create an account if you are a new family, first)
You will be automatically on the waitlist, but we are trying to confirm families by next week with the staff we can secure.
If you are in need of a financial scholarship for your after school fee, please don't hesitate to contact LaShonda (510) 883-6511 or ( LEARNS Medical Forms Students WILL NOT be allowed to tryout for any team without completion of the 3 required documents:
These forms are attached here and new forms must be completed each year. If your child had a physical after 6/11/2021, then you can simply attach a copy of that physical form to our BUSD Health Certification for Participation Form to satisfy the doctor requirement.
Assumption of Risk for Participation in Voluntary Sports Program FORM: Voluntary Sports Waiver
Medical Treatment Authorization Waiver FORM: Medical Treatment Authorization Waiver
BUSD Health Certification for Participation (signed and stamped by a doctor). FORM: BUSD Health Certification for Participation (signed and completed by a doctor)
There is a doctor students can go to to get their physical done if their primary provider will not provide one in time. They can call ahead and get a same day appointment. Here is that info...
Dr. Konstantin
2584 MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94602
(510) 530-5400
$20 fee
*Please bring our med form for them to complete!
Practices are twice a week for 1.5 hours each, no weekends. No prior experience needed! Although we would like to take everybody on the team, the numbers can be too high to ensure safety, quality instruction, and playing time. Students and parents need to be aware of what a tryout entails and that there will be some who make the team and some who won't. We encourage all students to do their best, but you must also be prepared for either outcome.
GIRLS BASKETBALL TRYOUTS *revised & updated Sunday, November 7*
6th Grade
Tryout date: Tue., 11/16 (3:15 - 4:30pm)
Practices: Tuesdays and Thursdays (3:15 - 4:45pm)
1st Practice: 11/18
7th Grade
Tryout date: Mon., 11/8 (3:15 - 4:45pm)
Practices: Wednesdays (2:30 - 4:00pm) and Fridays (3:15 - 4:45pm)
1st Practice: 11/17
8th Grade
Tryout date: Wed., 11/10 (2:30 - 4:00pm)
Practices: Mondays (3:15 - 4:45pm) and Wednesdays (2:30 - 4:00pm)
1st Practice: 11/15
SOCCER TRYOUTS (COED) *revised & updated Sunday, November 7*
Varsity (7th/8th Grade)
Tryout dates: Mon., 11/15 (3:15 - 4:45pm) and Wed., 11/17 (2:30 - 4:00pm)
Practices: Mondays (3:15 - 4:45pm) and Wednesdays (2:30 - 4:00pm)
1st Practice: 11/29
JV (6th Grade)
Tryout dates: Tue., 11/16 and Thu., 11/18 (3:15 - 4:45pm) Practices: Tuesdays and Thursdays (3:15 - 4:45pm) 1st Practice: 11/30
Tennis (King Tennis Courts)
Mon., 11/8 6th Grade (3:15 - 4:15pm)
Wed., 11/10 7th/8th Grade (2:30 - 3:30pm)
Flag Football (King Lower Field)
Please check your email on Sunday for carpool signup genius link.
Monday 11/8 @ Willard Location: Willard Middle School 4:00
Wednesday 11/10 @Longfellow Location: San Pablo Park 3:30
Please check your email on Sunday for carpool signup genius link.
Tuesday 11/9 Practice King Field 3:30
Thursday 11/11 No School, no practice!
Friday 11/12 King vs. Willard Location TBD 4:00
Fred Sims-Athletic DirectorKing Middle (510) 883-6511 (510) 967-2449 (cell) Go Cobras! (