Dear King Families, Playmaking Laboratory is King's after school performance class, where students have the opportunity to be a part of a creative community and build their playwriting and performing arts skills over the course of their 3 years at King. Student ensemble members write an original play in the fall, and then produce and perform it in the spring. In general, students must make themselves available EVERY Tuesday and Friday from 3:10-5:10, as well as committing more hours and weekends leading up to and during performances. Students must audition for the Playmaking Laboratory ensemble. We are looking for focused, motivated, and open-minded members who will work positively with everyone. The play that we are currently working on is the current 7th and 8th graders' original adaptation of the Grimm fairy tale Snow White and Rose Red. This play has only a small number of roles, which we will double-cast, so we are looking for ensemble members who are also willing to help with props, set, costumes, stage management, musical support, and other "backstage" roles. The play will be performed outside in the Edible Schoolyard garden, not on a traditional stage. Students who are excited about the idea of committing to Playmaking must attend a meeting on Tuesday, January 4, from 3:10-4:10 to get more information, sign up for auditions, and begin to get to know us and how we work. Auditions will begin Friday, January 7. Students who do not attend the January 4th meeting will not be able to audition for the ensemble.  Please note: Playmaking is a 7th period and is not a part of LEARNS.If your child is offered a role in the ensemble, they will not necessarily be called to be here every Tuesday and Friday, depending on their role. Please do not rely on Playmaking as a reliable source of childcare. If you have further questions, please email -- Melina Centomani Drama and ELD Teacher King Middle School Little Theater She/Her/Hers