Principal's Message
Dear MLK Families:
I hope you’ve had an enjoyable summer with your family. It is already time to get ready for another school year! This letter is part of a packet of information. Please be sure to read everything and remember that important information is posted on our school website and sent via the etree.
First Day of School
The first day of school first period starts at 8:45am and the warning bell rings at 8:38am.
Please note on the attached schedule/calendar that Wednesdays are minimum days throughout the year & school finishes early on Wednesdays.
Please also note that we have a distinct bell & block schedule. Information is listed here.
Zero period music classes will start at 7:45am on the first day of school. Students should meet outside the band room on the blacktop by the 6th grade plaza.
Welcome Fair for All Families
There will be a Welcome Fair all day at the end of August. Please note the time you are requested to attend on the schedule in this packet. It will be in the gym. Please see the attachment for more details.
All families are expected to attend to pick up information, including your child’s schedule for the coming year.
Please do not miss this event. Students must attend with an adult.
Schedules will be posted in the courtyard on the first day of school in case your child forgets where to go.
All incoming 7th graders must have proof of TDap immunization in order to attend school. If your child’s record is not current you will have to keep your child out of school until you can provide proof of immunization.
School Supplies
The teachers require every student to have a three-ring heavy duty binder which includes six tab dividers and a zippered pencil case to fit in the binder.
Every student will be given a twelve-month planning calendar to keep in this binder. All teachers will use the planning calendar to teach and reinforce study skills in every subject. We call this the “Cobra”.
In addition, there are other basic supplies which students should bring to school everyday: a backpack labeled with the student’s name no larger than 10 1/2” deep x 9” wide so it will fit inside the locker, 2 pens and 2 pencils, a highlighter, an eraser, a two pocket folder for homework, a 12-inch ruler, and lined notebook paper (3-hole). Note: If you notice during the year that your child is coming to school without a backpack or pencil, there is a good chance his or her grades are slipping.
Incoming 6th grade families should wait to purchase supplies. Your child’s teachers will let your child know about needed supplies once school begins.
Student Handbook
On the first day of school all King students will receive the “Cobra” student handbook for the school year. It is essential that you set aside time the first night to go over the student handbook with your student.
This handbook contains detailed information regarding grades, attendance, classroom standards, general information, and behavioral expectations. Please sign the page to show you understand the behavioral expectations at King.
Back to School Night
Back to School Night is in early September
This is one of the most important parent events of the year. It is your chance to meet your child’s teachers, hear about the classroom programs and see the whole school. Your participation is essential to understanding the expectations for the year, building relationships with teachers, and supporting your child. We need you there!
Breakfast and Lunch
A free breakfast is provided daily to all students at King in their first class of the day (not counting zero period).
At lunch students eat in the Dining Commons. We strongly encourage families to participate in the lunch program.
Lunch forms should be filled out at the Welcome Fair. We need these back for every King student regardless of whether you believe your family qualifies for free lunch. Please fill out a form even if your child is not going to eat a school lunch. If you have applied online and received a confirmation letter you can attach this to the lunch application. Our funding is tied to these forms so we must collect one from every student.
PE Uniforms
Every 7th and 8th grade student is strongly encouraged to purchase a King P.E. uniform. These uniforms will be sold at the Welcome Fair. Dressing in a P.E. uniform is required for 7th and 8th graders.
While 6th graders do not wear uniforms, they must wear appropriate clothing for P.E. on a daily basis – it is particularly important that students wear tennis shoes or other appropriate footwear.
Music and Arts
Please note that music classes at King begin at 7:45am and there will be music class the first day of school.
Music enrollment continues for the first two weeks of school – so don’t worry about whether or not you are signed up. Zero period music classes are 6th grade band, 7th/8th grade symphonic band, 6th-8th grade orchestra, and chorus. After school music will start after Labor Day. After school music is offered through our afterschool program for free thanks to our Berkeley taxpayers!
After School Program
You must enroll your child in the program to take advantage of the programs offered—sports, homework help, game room and enrichment classes. The fee is on a sliding scale and no one is turned away for lack of funds.
We will continue to add classes so look for updates. There is overwhelming research evidence that involvement in after school organized activities improves student academic performance, health, and safety, especially at the middle school level. I strongly recommend that all students not already enrolled in outside after school programs attend the King program at least one day a week.
Only students in the afterschool program may remain on campus after 3:15pm. Please arrange to pick up your child elsewhere if you choose not to participate in our afterschool program. Please help us keep your child safe and out of trouble by reinforcing this expectation. Until your students return home they are under our supervision.
Students cannot hang out on campus waiting for a ride after 3:15pm.
Cell Phones
Students must have cell phones turned off and put away all day while at school. This is School Board policy.
Please do not call or text your child during school hours. We want students to be fully engaged in their studies.
I look forward to meeting you and working with you throughout the year. Please stay involved and parent closely! We need a strong partnership to create a circle of support around your child during the year.
Janet Levenson