August 16, 2021

ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST WEAR MASKS DURING ALL INDOOR AND OUTDOOR PRACTICES AND GAMES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!! Our King Athletic Program is run through our LEARNS Afterschool Program. All athletes MUST be registered with the LEARNS Afterschool Program once you have made the final roster. Those sports with "No Tryout" require students to already be registered with LEARNS prior to their first day of practice. 2021-22 Sports Page
Students WILL NOT be allowed to tryout for any team without completion of the 3 required documents:
Assumption of Risk for Participation in Voluntary Sports Program Voluntary Sports Waiver
Medical Treatment Authorization Waiver District Medical Treatment Authorization
BUSD Health Certification for Participation (signed and stamped by a doctor). These forms are attached here and new forms must be completed each year. If your child had a physical after 6/11/2021, then you can simply attach a copy of that physical form to our BUSD Health Certification for Participation Form to satisfy the doctor requirement. BUSD Health Certification
We are still in the process of hiring coaches. Those sports with a "TBD" will have their practice days/times announced once the coaches clear district onboarding. The practice schedule is built around the coach's school and/or work schedule, so please be patient and aware of the announcement of practice days and times. Practices are twice a week for 1.5 hours each, no weekends. No prior experience needed! Although we would like to take everybody on the team, the numbers can be too high to ensure safety, quality instruction, and playing time. Students and parents need to be aware of what a tryout entails and that there will be some who make the team and some who won't. We encourage all students to do their best, but you must also be prepared for either outcome. There is a doctor students can go to to get their physical done if their primary provider will not provide one in time. They can call ahead and get a same day appointment. Here is that info... Dr. Konstantin 2584 MacArthur Blvd. Oakland, CA 94602 (510) 530-5400 $20 fee *Please bring our med form for them to complete! Cross Country (XC) - No tryout! Just a 2-week "trial period" to make sure XC is a good fit for the student and a good fit for the coaching staff. No prior experience needed, just a great attitude! Runners are required to attend a minimum of (2) practices a week. The XC Meet Schedule will not be finalized until the end of August. Meets will be run on Mondays and Thursdays. Meets can count towards the 2-day a week minimum requirement. Parent volunteer help will be needed when we host meets at King. Tryout Days/Times: No tryout! Practice Days/Times: M-F (3:30 - 5pm) *Wed (2:30 - 4pm) Where: King Track Attire: mask, shorts/sweats, shirt, good running shoes, water bottle, wrist stopwatch 1st Day of Practice: Monday, August 23rd @ 3:30pm Girls Volleyball - the 6th grade volleyball program is intramural and the 7th/8th grade program plays competitively. There are no tryouts for the 6th grade team. We split the overall number in 6th grade into (2) teams and they practice and compete against each other to get themselves ready for the following 7th and 8th grade years of competitive play. The 7th/8th grade will have their tryout the week of 8/23. Specific days of the tryouts will be TBD (To Be Determined). All players are encouraged to attend both tryout days. Final roster to be decided on Friday, August 27th. Tryout Days/Times (6th): No tryout! Practice Days/Times: M/F @ 3:30pm Where: King Gym Attire: mask, shorts/sweats, shirt, good indoor gym shoes, knee pads 1st Day of Practice: Monday, August 30th @ 3:30pm Tryout Days/Times (7th/8th): Week of 8/23! Specific days/times TBD Practice Days/Times: TBD Where: King Gym Attire: mask, shorts/sweats, shirt, good indoor gym shoes, knee pads 1st Day of Practice: Week of 8/30! Specific days/times TBD Flag Football (Coed) - our Flag Football program consists of (2) teams, JV and Varsity. We will have 2 teams (JV and Varsity). Our JV will be mandatory 6th graders with some 7th and our Varsity will be mandatory 8th graders with some 7th graders. No experience required! You CANNOT play Pop Warner (tackle) football and play flag football. All players are encouraged to attend both tryout days. Final roster to be decided on Friday, August 27th. Tryout Days/Times (JV): 8/24 and 8/26 @ 3:30pm Practice Days/Times: TBD Where: King Lower Field (Track) Attire: mask, shorts/sweats, shirt, cleats, and water bottle 1st Day of Practice: Week of 8/30! Specific days/times TBD Tryout Days/Times (Varsity): 8/25 @ 2:30pm and 8/27 @ 3:30pm Practice Days/Times: TBD Where: King Lower Field (Track) Attire: mask, shorts/sweats, shirt, cleats, and water bottle 1st Day of Practice: Wednesday, 9/1 @ 2:30pm Tennis - our Tennis Program with Coach Carlton goes year around! No experience needed. Mondays are for "Beginners", "Intermediates" attend Wednesdays sessions, and the King Tennis Team is mostly players from the Intermediate group and competes against other middle schools and tennis clubs on Fridays. If your child has some experience and does not know what group they fit in, have them attend the first session on 8/23 and Coach Carlton will assess them and get them into the proper group. Tryout Days/Times (JV): No tryout! Practice Days/Times: Mondays "Beginners", Wednesdays "Intermediates", and Fridays "King Tennis Team" Where: King Tennis Courts Attire: mask, shorts/sweats, shirt, good tennis shoes, and water bottle. (Rackets and balls provided!) 1st Day of Practice: Monday. 8/23 @ 3:15pm for "Beginners'' Thanks! -- Fred Sims-Athletic Director King Middle School (510) 883-6511 (510) 967-2449 (cell) Go Cobras! (