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KING FLASH: PTA Meeting & Parent Ed Next Tuesday

Join us for the October PTA Meeting and Parent Ed


Topic: Parenting for ADHD and Other Learning Differences

PTA meeting: 6:30-7:00

Parent Ed: 7:00-8:00

Parenting for ADHD and Other Learning Differences

Feel like parenting your kid with ADHD and other learning differences is like living "Groundhog Day" every day? Does your daily agenda include reminding your kid to do all the things eleventeen times? Are you worried your kid will never have the skills they need to leave the nest?

ADHD presents its own unique set of issues around parenting. We're here to help you develop a toolbox to:

  • Create connections

  • Foster accountability

  • Understand more and fight less

Join Tatiana Guerreiro Ramos, Co-Director of Classroom Matters and current King PTA president, to learn more about how ADHD shows up at school and at home and how you can support and scaffold your kiddo while fostering connection.


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