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Edible Schoolyard Plant Sale & Spring Festival - April 13

The ESY Plant Sale & Spring Festival is happening April 13th, from 10 am - 1pm! Celebrate the abundance of the garden and the wonderful learning that takes place at the Edible Schoolyard right here at King Middle School! There will be a variety of stations throughout the garden where folks will have an educational/sensory experience to get a taste of what students get to do in their classes here. Learn about our compost system, chickens, and how to propagate plants! Do a tasting, make a bouquet, and more! 

The PTA will have pizza available, there will be students playing music, Edible Schoolyard merch will be available for purchase, and there will be tons of options for ways to engage. Join us as we build community, enjoy the space, and share our love for all things edible education. Hope to see you there!

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