Meet your child’s teachers, friends and their families, Principal Janet Levenson, 6th Grade Vice Principal Justin Davis, and 6th Grade Counselors Sarah McCarthy and Abbie Gregor. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the teachers who work with your child every day and connect with your homeroom families. We will have a catered Mexican dinner and everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert (and label it - see below for instructions)
Three dates, by homeroom:
Thursday, February 2: Goldman / Nueva
King Dining Commons, 6:00–7:30pm
Help Out
We also need help with setup, serving, and cleanup to make this a perfect event! Use this link to tell us when you can volunteer or email
Don't Forget to Bring a Dish to Share and Label It (for Allergens)
A-H: salad/veggies
I-M: chips/guacamole/salsa or similar side dish
N-R: drinks
S-Z: desserts